希捷500G硬盘bios认到硬盘mhdd认不到硬盘 求思路
希捷500G硬盘bios认到硬盘mhdd认不到硬盘 求思路急求。谢谢各位提个醒。。
具体的话那就再好不过了。有简单思路也要感谢你 post you pic here 接专修看看。 通病修复 通病修复 post you pic here
matrixhdd 发表于 2011-12-7 21:58 http://bbs.intohard.com/images/common/back.gif
what's your meaning?
my harddisk can be identified in BIOS while it can not in MHDD(software) post you pic here
matrixhdd 发表于 2011-12-7 21:58 http://bbs.intohard.com/images/common/back.gif
感觉跟你扯淡了,纯假洋鬼子 接专修看看。
nitu023 发表于 2011-12-7 22:45 http://bbs.intohard.com/images/common/back.gif
小生连专修是什么都不知道,是不是 效率源? Fixing zero capacity problem
1. Type the following: m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 and then press ENTER.2. At this point the drive will stop responding for a while.3. After some time (1—5 minutes) you will get several messages from the drive similar to these:
Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000
User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs
4. Wait some more time until you see the command prompt again:
F3 T>
5. Type the following: /2 and then press ENTER. You will see the following output:
F3 T>/2
F3 2>
6. Type capital Z and press ENTER:
F3 2>Z
Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 10.543 secs
F3 2>
7. At this point you have to re-power the drive. The procedure is complete. BOIS里能识别硬盘,MHDD找不到,你把硬盘线换一个口子就行了。