RAID 1E是RAID 1的增强版本,它并不是我们通常所说的[wiki]RAID 0[/wiki]+1的组合。RAID 1E的工作原理与[wiki]RAID1[/wiki]基本上是一样的,只是RAID 1E至少需要3块[wiki]硬盘[/wiki]才能实现。RAID 1E和RAID 1的工作原理图如下:
RAID 5EE是在每个磁盘中预留一部分空间作为分布的热备盘,当一个硬盘出现故障时,这个磁盘上的数据将被压缩到分布的热备盘中,达到数据的保护作用。不过与RAID 5E不同的是RAID 5EE内增加了一些优化技术,使RAID 5EE的工作效率更高,压缩数据的速度也更快。RAID 5EE允许两个磁盘出错,最少需要4个磁盘实现。
RAID 5EE,可以理解成原先的RAID5+SPARE盘模式,只是把SPARE盘的空间条带化并且分布在每块硬盘上,这样一来,SPARE盘也参与读写,性能比RAID5要提高一点,而且在坏了一块盘时恢复也比RAID5快。RAID5有compact和expand模式,expand模式坏掉一块硬盘后,RAID5EE会自动转变为compact模式,在compact模式还可以允许一块盘故障。
RAID 5EE Disk Array
3,RAID 6
RAID 6是由一些大型企业提出来的私有RAID级别标准,它的全称叫“Independent Data disks with two independent distributed parity schemes(带有两个独立分布式校验方案的独立数据磁盘)”。这种RAID级别是在RAID 5的基础上发展而成,因此它的工作模式与RAID 5有异曲同工之妙,不同的是RAID 5将校验码写入到一个驱动器里面,而RAID 6将校验码写入到两个驱动器里面,这样就增强了磁盘的[wiki]容错[/wiki]能力,同时RAID 6阵列中允许出现故障的磁盘也就达到了两个,但相应的阵列磁盘数量最少也要4个。
每个磁盘中都具有两个校验值,而RAID 5里面只能为每一个磁盘提供一个校验值,由于校验值的使用可以达到恢复数据的目的,因此多增加一位校验位,[wiki]数据恢复[/wiki]的能力就越强。不过在增加一位校验位后,就需要一个比较复杂的控制器来进行控制,同时也使磁盘的写能力降低,并且还需要占用一定的磁盘空间。因此,这种RAID级别应用还比较少,相信随着RAID 6技术的不断完善,RAID 6将得到广泛应用。RAID 6的磁盘数量为N+2个。
RAID 6 Disk Array
需要注意的是,Adaptec3805 RAID6可以同时坏两块硬盘,在修复的时候,是一块一块的修复的。RAID6的性能和RAID5EE相当。
4,RAID 60 (Striping and striping with dual party)
Combines multiple RAID 6 sets with RAID 0 (striping). Dual parity allows the failure of two disks in each RAID 6 array. Striping helps to increase capacity and performance without adding disks to each RAID 6 array (which would decrease data availability and could impact performance in degraded mode).
RAID 60 Disk Array
5,RAID Level Comparison
| RAID 0
| RAID 1
| RAID 5
| Minimum # Drives
| 2
| 2
| 3
| 3
| 4
| Data Protection
| No Protection
| Single-drive failure
| Single-drive failure
| Single-drive failure
| Single-drive failure
| Read Performance
| High
| High
| High
| High
| High
| Write Performance
| High
| Medium
| Medium
| Low
| Low
| Read Performance (degraded)
| N/A
| Medium
| High
| Low
| Low
| Write Performance (degraded)
| N/A
| High
| High
| Low
| Low
| Capacity Utilization
| 100%
| 50%
| 50%
| 67% - 94%
| 50% - 88%
| Typical Applications
| High End Workstations, data logging, real-time rendering, very transitory data
| Operating System, transaction databases
| Operating system, transaction databases
| Data warehousing, web serving, archiving
| Data warehousing, web serving, archiving
| RAID 6
| RAID 10
| RAID 50
| RAID 60
| Minimum # Drives
| 4
| 4
| 6
| 8
| Data Protection
| Two-drive failure
| Up to one disk failure in each sub-array
| Up to one disk failure in each sub-array
| Up to two disk failure in each sub-array
| Read Performance
| High
| High
| High
| High
| Write Performance
| Low
| Medium
| Medium
| Medium
| Read Performance (degraded)
| Low
| High
| Medium
| Medium
| Write Performance (degraded)
| Low
| High
| Medium
| Low
| Capacity Utilization
| 50% - 88%
| 50%
| 67% - 94%
| 50% - 88%
| Typical Applications
| Data archive, backup to disk, high availability solutions, servers with large capacity requirements
| Fast databases, application servers
| Large databases, file servers, application servers
| Data archive, backup to disk, high availability solutions, servers with large capacity requirements
| Types of RAID
Types of RAID
| Software-Based
| Hardware-Based
| External Hardware
| Description
| Best used for large block applications such as data warehousing or video streaming. Also where servers have the available CPU cycles to manage the I/O intensive operations certain RAID levels require.
Included in the OS, such as Windows®, Netware, and Linux. All RAID functions are handled by the host CPU which can severely tax its ability to perform other computations.
| Best used for small block applications such as transaction oriented databases and web servers.
Processor-intensive RAID operations are off-loaded from the host CPU to enhance performance.
Battery-back write back cache can dramatically increase performance without adding risk of data loss.
| Connects to the server via a standard controller. RAID functions are performed on a microprocessor located on the external RAID controller independent of the host.
| Advantages
| Low price
Only requires a standard controller
| Data protection and performance benefits of RAID
More robust fault-tolerant features and increased performance versus software-based RAID
| OS independent
Build high-capacity storage systems for highend servers