本帖最后由 堆栈溢出 于 2016-8-10 12:53 编辑
0x00 INVALID_FLASH_LED_CODE 00000000 (**) Invalid flash code
0x08 MICRO_FAIL 00001000 (++) ARM failure, Unexpected FIQ interrupt
0x0B BUFFER_FAIL 00001011 (++) DRAM failed powerup or WRAM fail.
0x0C SCC_FAIL 00001100 (**) Controller failed power up diagnostics
0x0D CTLR_VERSION_FAIL 00001101 Controller not compatible with firmware
0x0E UNOPCODE_OCCUR 00001110 (**) Unimplemented Opcode interrupt
0x10 XOR_FAIL 00010000 (**) XOR power up test failed (tested even on non-XOR code)
0x12 PROG_ERR_EVEN 00010010 EEPROM verify error, even byte
0x13 ERASE_ERR_EVEN 00010011 EEPROM erase error, even byte
0x14 DL_TPM_FAIL_0 00010100 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x15 DL_TPM_FAIL_1 00010101 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x16 DL_TPM_FAIL_2 00010110 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x17 DL_TPM_FAIL_3 00010111 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x18 DL_TPM_FAIL_4 00011000 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x19 DL_TPM_FAIL_5 00011001 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x1A DL_TPM_FAIL_6 00011010 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x1B DL_TPM_FAIL_7 00011011 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x1C DL_TPM_FAIL_8 00011100 TPM could not program EEPROMs
0x1D DWNLD_VFLT 00011101 Download voltage fault
0x40 ALU_BUFPE_FAIL 01000000 ALU buffer parity error
0x42 ERROR_INJECTION_ASSERT_CODE 01000010 Assert code reported when an assert event is triggered
by error injection and no assert code has been given.
0x44 BUF_CFG_FAIL 01000100 DRAM configuration process failed
0x45 FDE_BUSPARITY_ERR 01000101
0x47 PREFETCH_VEC 01000111 (++) (**) Prefetch abort exception (intvect.a)
0x47 SP_FAIL 01000111 (**) Stack pointer out of range
0x4C READ_CHIP_ERR 01001100 (**) Error in writing to read chip
0x4D IER_STACK_OVFL 01001101 (**) IER stack overflow
0x4E IER_STACK_UNFL 01001110 (**) IER stack underflow
0x4F IER_STACK_ERR 01001111 (**) stack not empty on entry to sleep
0x55 IRAW_HAD_IOEDC_ERROR 01010101
0x67 UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION 01100111, (++) Undefined opcode exception (intvect.a)
0x77 LOG_SAVE_FAIL 01110111, (**) Log save data has exceeded the maximum allowable size
0x80 PORT_FAIL 10000000, (**) Ports A & B failed power up diags
0x81 NO_BACKPLANE_DATA_RATE 10000001, (**) Can't find back plane data rate
0x81 DATA_RATE_NOT_FOUND 10000001, Can't find back plane data rate
0x90 CITCM_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR 10010000, Controller I-TCM unrecoverable error
0x91 CDTCM_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR 10010001, Controller D-TCM unrecoverable error
0x92 SITCM_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR 10010010, Servo I-TCM unrecoverable error
0x93 SDTCM_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR 10010011, Servo D-TCM unrecoverable error
0x9D TCM_CRC_FAIL 10011101, (**) TCM CRC result is non-zero
0xC4 DRAM_INTEGRITY_FAILURE 11000100, (**) DRAM was detected to be corrupt on a write
0xCC ASSERT_FLASH_CODE 11001100, (++) Assert failure
0xCD ENSURE_FLASH_CODE 11001101, (++) Ensure failure
0xCE REQUIRE_FLASH_CODE 11001110, (++) Require failure
0xD1 SCSI_UNEXP_INT 11010001, (**) Unexpected SCSI interrupt
0xD2 SCSI_TIMEOUT_FLASH_CODE 11010010, (++) SCSI timeout
0xD3 ILLEGAL_STATUS_CODE_FLASH_CODE 11010011, (++) Illegal status code
0xD4 SCSI_UNDER_OVER_RUN_OCCURED 11010100, SCSI Hardware was Overrun or Underun by the host
0xD5 UNEXPECTED_STATUS_CODE 11010101, Unexpected status code from the sequencer
0xDD DIVBY0_FAIL 11011101, (++) (**) Divide by zero interrupt, SWI range error
0xEE ABORT_FAIL 11101110, (**) Data abort exception (intvect.a)
0xF1 CTLR_NUKED_BY_FDE 11110001, FDE Nuke the chip bit set, data transfers not allowed
0xF4 FLASH_IOEDC_PARITY_ERROR 11110100, (**) temporarily flash on IOEDC_PARITY_ERROR