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Lets Study Pen Drives [ USB Flash Disc's ]

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:53:44

many times I found the voltage regulator is burnt in pendrives. This is easy.
Crystal is another source of problem.
Up till now I have'nt had problem with soldering.
I had some SD and CF cards I had to desolder the memories, read out, analize the contents and write prog to assemble the image. This is not an easy work, and many times the data is not that important it would worth the costs.
But. I know the factories have utils to access damaged medias and restore them, at least SanDisk states this in the manual of my CF card.
So it is one way to talk to them to give some info or SW, maybe with a non-disclosure agreement.
But I am afraid this could be as expensive as writing my own SW, which I know how works and work (hopefully) exactly the same way I want...

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:53:58
Hi Pepe,
How Is The Data In The Flash Memory Stored

1 :Is This Like In The HDD [ So That We Can Make a Image And The Image HAs All The Partition Table Fat Copy Dir Area and The Data Area

2 :I Think Burnt Regulator Should Lead To Flash And MCU Damage

3 :Crystal Damage Is Easy To Rectify

4 :Some Software Are Available On The Net For Doing Specialise Things To The USB Memory Sticks

5 :A Software That Could Read The Data From Many Known Flash Memory IC And Then Write The Same In Some Other Capacity/Type IC And Do The Change On the Fly .Then We Could Put That Flash Ram In Some Donor MCU and Make It Work .

Come On Guys Kets Keep The Pressure Up On Our Brains ,Its Long Time Since i Left Programming ,I Was a system Programmer Writing Antivirus Softwares At My Schooling Days .Now I Have To Learn a Lot From You Guys With ISA And PCI PC3k
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:54:11
Hi Mod,
Please Delete This thread AS Not Its In The New Forum You Created ,Creates Confusion ,This is a Request

PS :Delete From This Forum Only
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:54:28
There is only one topic. Previous forum has just a link to the topic, not another copy.
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:54:41
Hi Maysoft,
Thanks on The Explanation .Today i Also Discovered New Things About Flash Recovery ,Just Feeling Very Tired Will Post Tommorow .This Is a NAND Flash Reader + Writer With TSOP Socket
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:56:07
I'm for the moment busy with analysing the memory contents of some flash cards. This will take some time i'm afraid.
What I can say already, is that from what i've seen by now, the data is NOT written like on a harddisk. It is completely different.

Best regards,

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:56:21
Still Waiting For Your Analyses










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obviously all these articles are fwd from other sites
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