Lets Study Pen Drives [ USB Flash Disc's ]

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:49:01 |阅读模式
These Days Lots of Customers Are Coming With Thier Pen Drives For Data Recovery .Doing Logical [Software Based ] Recovery is Fine .But Lets share Info With Each Other When The Issue Is Actually The Electronics In The Drives .Are We Open To discussions On This Issue .I Had a Very Good Experience From 1 Pen Drive Today And Would Like To Share The Same IF You Feel We Need To Actually Talk On This Subject
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:49:58
Hi Amarbir,

I'm struggling with flash cards now, but i think the problem is about the same.
I've got the data from the flash eprom, but now i have to find out how the pictures are stored, and write some software to retrieve them.

I am searching for datasheets for the memory-controllers of flash disks and usb sticks, which would be a great help, but i can't find any.

Any help on this topic is welcome.

Best regards,

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:50:11
Yes, i have two here I'm struggling with.

One is where the USB connector is ripped off and looks like damage the USB controller. On this one I think to transfer Flash RAM to donor USB stick, but need to confirm how to do this.

Another is seen as a device but 0 bytes. Last time I had one like this, there was loose connection on Flash RAM chip. a quick blast with Hot Air Gun, and was OK. This one is not the case. Do we think Flash RAM chip is cooked?


Any input gratefully received!

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:50:28
Hi Sean,

Transferring the ram to another stick is not always a good idea since rams tend to get corrupted blocks and the controller then ignores them and uses a spart block of the ram, and also the memory is not addressed in a contiguous way since the controller tries to do a balancing of the write load so that every block of the memory is written to an equal times.

This info is stored in the controller. Therefore i would like to get the datasheets so i can study how they do it and where this info is stored (normally in the controller i guess).

Lots of work to do before we will have a solution to this.

Best regards,

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:50:45
Dobre, I was thinking to put RMA chip on a USB stick with the same controller.

Surely the controller must store its info on the Flash RAM, as the controlller itself cannot store anything?

Just my thoughts
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:50:59
Thats why i need the datasheet! I've allready worked with many microcontrollers and it is not uncommon they have a small EEprom memory onboard.

Btw; how to resolder BGA's ? Are there any tutorials on the net ?


匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:51:24
Hi Dobre,
I Got a Pen Drive From a Customer Yesterday And This is What I Did

1 :The Drive Was Totally Dead
2 :I Tinkered With The Electronics And Figured Out That Voltage To The Crystal Was Comming But there Was No Frequency Generation
3 :I changed the Crystal And The Pen Drive MCU started To Tick
4 :The Drive Was Still Not Functioning OK
5 :I Soldered The Drive
6 :Tested Worked differently
7 :I again Soldered [ Worked Still Differently ]
8 :After Soldering The third Time [ It Worked Perfectly ]


1 :check The Crystal Always
2 :Very Imp Soldering Should Be Correct [ These Chinese Pen Drives Are Like Very Bad In This
匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:52:17
Thanks for the explanation Amarbir.

In many cases the solerings of the ram are bad.

Recently i got a flash card that was broken in two pieces, just between the controller and the flash ram.

I tried to reconnect all traces but that was very difficult since some cracks were under the flash.
Finally i had to give up.

So i would like to have (write) a program that can reconstruct the data from the binary read-out of the flash.
Not so easy i'm afraid.

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:53:10
This is Were I Would Like The Experts To Step In ,Anyone Having a Hardware And Software Solution So That We Can Take The Memory Chip Out Read The Memory And Then Analyse The Same And Extract The Data .I Think The [wiki]FAT[/wiki] ,FAT32 or The NTFS Should Not Have Anything To Do With This

匿名  发表于 2007-7-13 23:53:29
Just my quick guess, as I had mostly mechanically damaged sticks on which transplanting the Flash chip(s) to equal pcbs cured the problem:
has anyone yet checked whether the data is simply written linearily like on a LBA hard disk device and can therefore be recovered by any FAT32/NTFS/... data recovery software that is able to deal with image files of raw devices?
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