Data Loss Prevention










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发表于 2006-12-5 02:44:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  There are many ways to prevent data from being lost on your computer. Following these guidelines will help you to keep your data safe and hopefully you will not have to come to us for our services. While we appreciate your business, we would rather see our clients prevent data loss before it happens, thus saving them time and worry.

Backup - Data can usually be easily duplicated. It is important to make backups of all of your most important data, documents, and programs.

Shut-Down - Be sure to properly shut down your computer. All data should be saved and applications closed before the operating system is shut down. After doing so, you can safely turn off your computer. Even though the computer may appear idle, there are often many tasks still in progress and a computer should not be turned off unless the proper steps are followed.

Viruses - Take steps to protect yourself from computer viruses. It is likely that in the near future a virus will spread that has the ability to actually destroy your hard drive. Keep a virus detection program on your computer.

System Protection - Keep your computer safe from human error (children, computer illiterates, etc.). Use passwords on important programs or files to help prevent accidental erasure.

Equipment - Here are some examples of equipment that can help prevent data loss.

Place a cooling fan within 4 inches of the hard disk and in a position where it will force air directly onto the drive. This can reduce the operating temperature by as much as 112
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