1) Summary of B/I Test
Progress defect detection and reliability test of HDD according to program written in
maintenance/cylinder in temperature 40±5℃, humidity 50±10% stress condition.
2) Progress B/I Test
① A way of detection for HDD defect by reading/ writing the existing written information.
3) Flow sheet.
① Down load if small defect like mentioned above occurred.
(Be sure to check download before progress B/I program. Led off if there is no program down
loaded or maintenance/cylinder is unreadable.)
ⓐ As Main and B/I Firmware are separate from VG11/VG11+ series, progress test after changing
to B/I Firmware before test.( if B/I finished, change main firmware.)
② Check appearance & jumper pin status.
(B/I test is Led off if jumper pin connection is incorrect.)
③ Connect drive to power supply.(same as drive ready.)
④ If drive is progressing burn-in regularly,led blink after ready.
⑤ If drive is progressing burn-in irregularly,led off after ready.
(Led Off or ready state if the initial state isn't burn-in low or cont-in flow when we check
B/I program by loading burn-in program: written by how to B/I flow, SETC 0,SETH 0,
SETS 5,(M/C region)
⑥ Mark failure and Led frequency appear when lots of defects are occurred or error in drive
is occurred during burn-in test.)
⑦ Led is repeated one time if pass after done test.
(Be cautious because burn-in test time is different by every model)
⑧ Write end-in flow on maintenance/cylinder if pass after done test and write fail-in flow
in fail case.
⑨ Led blank after write the test result. Pass: repeat one time. Fail: the number of error code. |