昨日凌晨精神恍惚,误删了在虚拟机中写的程序文件,谷歌度娘数据恢复方法失败,使昨天的工作功亏一篑,幸好程序改动不多。现准备在所有服务器用机制来解决误删问题。这样总比花时间恢复付出的代价小得多把。 脚本说明: 随意用法:rm -rf /data/test* /data/00000 /data/023-rf-r-f /home/steven/dddd /home/steven/ dirdir/ /home/steven/test* ddd rm -rf * 禁止删除 / 和根下面的重要目录(rm.py中的deny变量内容) 开发平台:CentOS6.2 X86_64 1、编写回收站脚本程序 rm.py #!/usr/bin/env python # Linux Recycle # Author Steven # Modify 2013-12-18 import time,sys,os,shutil recy_path = "/data/Recycle/" now = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S',time.localtime(time.time())) if not os.path.isdir(recy_path): os.makedirs(recy_path) para = sys.argv[1:] if '-f' in para: para.remove('-f') if '-r' in para: para.remove('-r') if '-rf' in para: para.remove('-rf') deny = ['/usr','/usr/','/var','/var/','/root','/root/','/etc','/etc/','/home','/home/','/proc','/proc/','/boot','/boot/','/bin','/bin/','/sbin','/sbin/','/lib','/lib/','/ lib64','/lib64/','/'] for p in tuple(para): if p in deny: para.remove(p) print "Dangerous command: %s" % p if not para: sys.exit('Nothing to run.') for f in para: try: if '/' not in f: recy_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (recy_path,now,f) shutil.move(f,recy_file) else: path = os.path.dirname(f) file = os.path.basename(f) if file == "": file = path.split('/')[-1] recy_file = "%s/%s_%s" % (recy_path,now,file) shutil.move(f,recy_file) except Exception,e: print e 提示:deny 列表中包含的是禁止删除的目录或文件,可以根据自己的需要来增减。 2、其他步骤 chmod 755 /bin/rm.py chmod 777 /data/Recycle 支持一般用户rm echo "alias rm='/bin/rm.py'" >> /etc/bashrc source /etc/bashrc 回收站生效 3、删除文件测试 rm /root/text.txt 此时,text.txt文件就会被mv 到 回收站目录 /data/Recycle 远程脚本调用时,须用全路径:/bin/rm.py 4、删除回收站文件 /bin/rm -rf /data/Recycle/text.txt 5、回收站机制是为了解决不小心误删问题,如果确定某个文件永久删除则直接删除 /bin/rm -rf filename 6、为防止回收站目录遗留文件过多而占用太多的硬盘资源,使用crontab定时删除历史文件 a、编写定时删除回收站文件程序脚本 [root@master bin]# cat /root/clean_recycle.sh #!/bin/sh # Author Steven # Modify 20131218 if [ `whoami` != 'root' ];then echo "Must be root run this scripts!!" >> /var/log/messages exit fi dirpath=/data/Recycle/ ago=`date -d "-15 day" +%Y%m%d` if [ ! -d $dirpath ];then echo "This path [${dirpath}] not exist, please check." >> /var/log/messages exit fi for i in `ls $dirpath` do # Get datestamp and check it. For example: 20130304_09_54_25_ld.lock datestamp=`echo $i | awk -F'_' '{print $1}'` check=`echo "$datestamp" | grep "^[0-9]\{8\}$"` if [[ `echo $check` -ne "" ]];then # Remove old files. if [ "$datestamp" -lt "$ago" ];then /bin/rm -rf $dirpath/$i fi fi done b、添加计划任务 crontab -e 1 5 * * 0 sh /root/clean_recycle.sh c、给文件加锁,避免被修改。 chattr +i /bin/rm.py chattr +i /root/clean_recycle.sh d、回收站内容 20131217_19_05_48_test33.txt 20131217_19_19_30_test0df-.211.txt 20131217_19_20_50_test1.txt 20131217_19_05_48_ 20131217_19_05_48_test3436.txt 20131217_19_19_30_test1.txt 20131217_19_20_50_test322.txt 20131217_19_05_48_000 20131217_19_05_48_testdd.txt 20131217_19_19_30_test322.txt 20131217_19_20_50_test33.txt 20131217_19_05_48_0234-f12-rf 20131217_19_05_48_testdgg.txt 20131217_19_19_30_test33.txt 20131217_19_20_50_test3436.txt 20131217_19_05_48_dddd 20131217_19_05_48_testg.txt 20131217_19_19_30_test3436.txt 7、失误是无法避免的,我们猜不到失误会在何时,何地,何种情况下发生。既然有这种因素存在,能用机制解决就用机制解决把。 |