这个是QueTek Consulting Corporation出品一款磁盘镜像软件按照其官方说法,可以用到一下几个方面:
Disk Recoup™ can be used in the following cases:
A hard drive contains many bad media spots (bad sectors) which cause conventional data recovery utilities to hang.
A hard drive is accessible after the computer is booted up but may go offline later without warning.
A hard drive is detected by the computer BIOS at boot time but may cause the computer to hang later.
The drive electronics have partially failed and only respond to basic disk commands.
Disk Recoup™ does not work in the following cases:
A hard drive has a mechanical failure and does not spin up.
The drive electronics have completely failed and do not respond to any disk commands.
A hard drive is not detected by the BIOS when the computer is turned on.
里面附有破解补丁! 这个可以对有坏扇区的磁盘的数据进行读取,自己目前没有坏盘所以没办法实验,不知道效果如何!
这个公司同时还出品数据恢复软件File Scavenger。 不知道效果如何,先谢谢了! 下载试试。。。。。。。。 谢谢,透露这个软件 顶下楼主先,下载来试试 刚刚测试一下,不怎么样。 感謝樓主分享,關鍵是看速度如何... 谢谢分享,顶你一个。下了 干什么用的?