HRT- Seagate RS-232 (COM) adapter schematic
This is an adapter which allows you to connect a Seagate drive to the COM port, allowing to access TMOS using any terminal program.Connect GND to the ground (any wire in PC colored in black)
You can locate Tx and Rx by doing some experiments with jumper-pins of a drive. 有了图纸
不错! 弄出来送我一个啊
我不会电路 谢谢cscip了,这是做什么用的呀 希望八喜哥早些把西捷的usb模块推出,hrt的模块对西捷支持的太少了现在新的硬盘都没有! 谢谢你了,我们要好好的象你们学习呀.\