First steps to test Seagate F3
Please read next information about Seagate F3 drives.Properly composed e-mail or ticket post help ACE Laboratory engineers to understand and answer your question.
Basic hard drive check completes this info.
For Seagate F3 drives next details are necessary:
0. What are hard drive model and family? What is marked on top label?
1. Does the drive make clicking or beeping sounds when it is powered on?
2. What happens to drive when it is powered on? What registers are flashing? Does the drive come to DRD DSC or stays busy forewer?
3. Run Seagate F3 utility and see what ID is displayed there. Are there correct model and capacity? Is serial number displayed?
4. What comes in "Terminal" tab? Please turn off and on the drive when in utility and provide the output you have.
5. Do you have access to terminal?
6. If hard drive stops its spindle or has problems with recalibration, try next method that starts and stops the drive's spindle motor :
F3 T>/2
F3 2>Z
F3 2>U
Then provide us full output. Seagate drive always show errors when drive has problems.
7. If drive is busy but you can reach terminal then try to perform test to check readness of SA. Those commands provide non-resident G-list and translator:
8. To test heads use following terminal commands:
It shows resistance on heads, where bad head has FFFF or 0000 value. Also you can check head ability to write via some unimportant system files. 不错,有些指导思想在里面 对,最下面那个写的是磁头的是阻值,如果显示FFFF就说明 损坏或被砍头了,可以根据此阻值来查看计写系统文件(也就是磁道)读写的能力。 学习学习。 thanks for sharing thanks for share.
thanks for share.