WDC Marvell , 0 Mb, wrong Dir adress, without access to modules
WDC Marwell , without capacity, wrong Dir adress, without access to modules1. Find LDR-file in Database, load it.
2. After loading LDR-file DO NOT RE-TURN POWER SUPPLY. Perform "Ctrl+Alt+1" and find Dir:
3. Next, find modules:
4. See, Dir's ABA: 246 407, size: 24. Go to "SA Regions editor":
5. As we see, SA Dir location is different with real Dir's location by ABA (see. top picture):
6. Correct to right:
7. Re-turn power supply, re-launch utility. (Warning: there is a chance to burn a ROM-element).
8. In this case, all successful 下了不顶不厚道 不错,学习学习。 太专业了,学习了 真是好东西啊 辛苦了 多谢分享!!!!!!!! 后面的 没有看懂 好资料,谢谢分享。 学些了,赞一个啊!! 学习学习。