请教下各位高手,1590的盘,跑C8跑了十七八个小时,还卡着不动,先逻辑扫描时,前面成片坏道》。。。现在有什么好的解决办法吗?砍段或者砍头??? 换通刷跑整个PST流程试试 白色白色 发表于 2014-5-30 11:20换通刷跑整个PST流程试试
谢谢你的回复!试过了,一样的话 先逻辑扫描,加G表,然后看看G表里面是哪个头坏道最多,就砍哪个头,再跑PST 白色白色 发表于 2014-6-1 17:47
谢谢指导! 这么久你都等啊,通常一两个小时就完成了吧。、、、 may be you have bad sector in SA
before any steps in Repair
First check module's by ABA not by ID
then if you have amount in bad sector in any zone
you can cut zone
and don't wait 78 hour for SF , it's about 12 hour only
and you can use custom SF for Repair bad sector there may be you have bad sector in SA
before any steps in Repair
First check module's by ABA not by ID
then if you have amount in bad sector in any zone
you can cut zone
and don't wait 78 hour for SF , it's about 12 hour only
and you can use custom SF for Repair bad sector there 可能是固件区有坏道
维修之前 首先使用ABA检查模块而非ID