请问ASCI83后面的十六进制数(硬盘容量)是硬盘的LBA参数吗? 对上面的补充是LBA参数的十六进制吗? 也想知道,有容量计算方法吗?或者有详细的对照表。。有的能发一下就太感谢了! 在T级工厂模式下输入F指令,出现了struff的提示时SetStuff->
input data format:
xx=word number in HDD ID corresponding to the selected parameter.
yy..yy=data transferred to the parameter.The values must be entered in hex format,world by word (a word consists of two bytes in high/low btye format),without spaces in the order,in which they appear in HDD ID.
ASCI013FFF--sets the number of logical cylinders to 0x3FFFF
ASCI030010--sets the number of logical heads to 0x10(=16)
ASCI06003F--sets the number of logical sectors to 0x3F(=63)
ASCI1Bxx..xx--sets model name.(40 characters(hex) without spaces)
ASCI3C45670123--sets(Current)MaxLBA to 0x01234567
ASCI8345670123--sets(Native)MaxLBA limit to 0x1234567
ASCIAE0000,ASCIEA0000--AE and EA keys are responsible for drive's AAM. IN case of "singing" drivers(producing a single or several high-tone sounds at the start) the parameters must be disabled(0000).
ASCIFE--initialze HDD ID with defaul values.
You will have to restart he drive o make the modifications enter into force (e.g.,using+ command).